Friday, July 11, 2008


so theres a very beautiful program here at UCI called SPOP.

its stands for student parent orientation program.

i've met some damn amazing people here on SPOP and i can't wait for the summer to continue because SPOP 1 was pretty much one of the most amazing things that ive been through.  its crazy thinking about how much impact i can have on someone.  I learned so much from SPOP1 and i hope to be a better staffer for the next SPOP.

PRADO. you know, i'll never forget my first hall. ever.  thanks isa brenna stacy david hana and ana. you guys made it the best it couldve been for me.  :-)

Let the summer continue.

this is the most chill summer ive been through.


SuJ said...

im happy and glad for everything you've taken out of this program dude. and i'm jealous that you're such a natural staffer. hahaha. u make me proud.

kevincc said...

yay! i want to thank you again for helping me during spop and answering all my questions. You definitely made a BIG impact for me. It was lots and lots of fun! Hopefully we will see each other around campus. or maybe... you can help me learn how to dance? o_O ? ;D or u dont have to. :P
Your friend,
Steven, Micheal, or Kevin. lol. ;P

Jason Kim said...

you definitely "hashi'ed" spop 1. I hope i get to staff with you in the future. TFO!

ncheung6 said...

congratulations yosuke!

SuJ said...

puts into perspective how your last entry about spop was 8 months ago.

congratulations son