Friday, May 29, 2009


these people make my life easier.

Monday, May 18, 2009

really big toad

After sungod on friday, my team went to Abe Chung's place.

There I saw the biggest toad of my life. hahahaha it was SO FUCKING COOL.
i even touched it, and it felt like rubber. SO COOL! hahaha

Monday, May 11, 2009

out of it

i was microwaving some rice to eat for lunch.
when it was done and beeped, i opened the freezer thinking it was gonna be there...


im so out of it sometimes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

tank full and remote

nothing beats the feeling of driving on a full tank of gas.
i feel like i can offer as many rides as the world needs.


i fell asleep watching TV yesterday night cuz i was hella tired and i woke up at like 5am with the TV on and i was like, fuck i fell asleep with this loud ass TV on, so i was gonna turn it off and go back to peaceful sleep.  and then i realized the remote dropped between the bedframe and the wall, and the only way to get it is to get my ass out of the bed and crawl under the bed all the way to the other side and retrieve the damn thing.  and who wants to do that 5am when your still half asleep right? so i was like fuck it, im just gonna sleep through it. hahaha i dont know about you guys, but i couldnt sleep even more cuz i kept thinking about how loud the TV was so i got out of my bed, shoved all the tubs and stuff that was under my bed to get through, crawled all the way over with my eyes half closed and bed hair exploding.  i swear i was under there for a good five ten minutes trying to put as least effort as i could... but i pretty much woke up trying to get the damn remote and i finally turned off the TV.  i was ready to sleep peacefully after i turned the TV off so i lay in bed thinking about how proud i was for making it out of my bed just to turn off the tv, but i pumped too much blood to get the remote that i was having trouble falling asleep hahaha.  took forever, but i eventually fell asleep..

the things we do for comfort..

edit* oh yeah the button on the TV doesnt work. hahaha thanks doris

Thursday, May 7, 2009

blowing your nose

is SO HARD while driving.

and its one of those things that really bother me if i don't do it so i have a box of kleenex in my car conveniently.  But everytime i feel like i want to blow my nose, i can't do it comfortably it bothers me. i have to do that thing where you wait for a straight road where you don't need to move the steering wheel so you can time a quick blow, but naturally the car cant just drive straight on its own so you have to catch the steering wheel before the car goes out of the lane.  but then sometimes when you do, your not done blowing your nose so you have half a boogar sticking our of your nose and you have to wait til the next good timing to wipe whats left over.

man ... why cant life be easier?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Congrats to CG

I just wanted to say that I'm really proud of CG.
Their vegas set is really something different from how they've been i think in my opinion and has so many different levels.  Way to step it up

I also miss CG a lot.  I miss the surreal project.  i miss having that chance to dance with other great dancers and the genuine side of people that we don't get to see unless we share the stage together.  Especially Jeff, Mylien, Angela, Melissa, Clarence, Chris, Kim, Henry, and Karen. I miss you guys.  I have a sense of pride in other teams that I get closer with as people and not just as dancers too.

anyway, congrats to CG for taking home gold at UB.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So I got addicted to playing this game on the iPhone. Definitely one of the best games I've ever played. hahahah

The only problem is, I don't have my own iPhone or iTouch and I cant play this on a computer.

sad day.


THIS is close enough for me. (
i play every day.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I just got back from Princeton, NJ, because we had a performance there on Thursday night for this Club Fusion event that they were holding at their school.  it was for sure one of the best things I've done this quarter, especially because i never really get to travel.  

Some interesting things that stuck out:
 Just how cool the school looked.  it seriously looked like Hogwarts from harry potter. The buildings looked old, but they were like castles and it was all like that dark grey brick stuff.  It was fuckin tight.  i felt like I was in the movie.

They had a little preschool/elementary school looking building that really reminded me of the movies, where it looks like this one big church or something, and the kids were in a line, coming out of the building running to the yellow school bus and the teacher would watch them all go into the school bus to see them go.  It was like a movie.  

They have EATING CLUBS?! i was really confused, and still very confused about what this is exactly.. apparently theyre like frats and sororities but not, but its a bigger deal than the actual frats and sororities  at their school. its cool. they talked about it like it was THE thing to do.  i wanna start one here at UCI. hahaha

cool lingo:  dodgy.  i dont really know what it means and how to use it exactly. but apparently its like dangerous, or something like that.

princeton students dont sleep.  party hard, study hard. end of story. haha

most of the princeton clubs have officers who are 2nd years, and the 3rd years and 4th years just retire cuz they have to write thesis papers and something else that they ned to do to graduate.  crazy.

people dont really drive their own cars.  like they share one person's car with like five people cuz they dont all need it all the time.  WTF?! hahaha that scared me.

what else... ill update this later with a few pictures.

but i met some dope ass people like grace, stella and princeton.  hopefully one day they can com here to CA and we can show them a good time like they showed us.

if you ever visit princeton, go to hoagie haven and eat the HEART STOP.  it stops your heart cuz its so unhealthy for you, but its SO FUCKING GOOD that itll be worth dying for.
and this pizza place next to it. it was so different and so good. I think the street was nassau or something. check that street out.  it had hella good food.
i think I'll actually start writing in this.